Generated from: Birthchild of: "Dmitri": For the MoMA postcard project, I decided to prompt my fellow artists to imagine being tasked with coming up with the official low-effort 10K PFP project for the MoMA, using pixel art in MoMA’s very own color palette, and focusing on geese. The generated Geese can have various colors, facial expressions, hairstyles, positions, and accessories - my personal favorite are the flower fascinators. In order to make their work much easier, I developed custom software that runs in the web browser at to generate their own 10x10 pixel grids and asked them to choose an honorary PFP that they felt best represented them for their stamp. As a generative artist, building software like this is core to my practice. Why geese? In honor of Ringers #879. Ringers is one of my biggest projects, and Ringers #879, also known as, “The Goose,” has become somewhat notorious. At first, it was valued for its sheer statistical improbability – given the set of parameters and the randomness of the generative outputs, it was fascinating that Ringers could create something that could so plainly and obviously look like a goose – but then it became a talisman for the community in a way. The Goose had become something so much larger than myself, it had truly become a meme.